Welcome To Whale Tail Pharmacy

Located in, Craig AK, we’ve been serving the Prince of Wales Island community since 1995. Our pharmacy treasures our community and we do all we can do all we can to support local activity and we value the opportunity to get involved in good causes. At our Pharmacy, we believe that being a local independent pharmacy means providing healthcare services to our patients that are customized to meet their needs and providing a service that is unmatched by others. Visit us today and let us take care of you.


When You choose Whale Tale Pharmacy, you help care for vulnerable children in Uganda.

Whale Tail Pharmacy had proudly partnered with Children Of Mercy Home - Established 2015, to provide support and care for children of Uganda. We have become the sponsor for a a new home in Gulu, Uganda that cares for 25 children.

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What Patients Love Most About Us

"Friendliest people in town, most helpful for all of your needs"

-Rodney O.

"Such a friendly and caring pharmacy! The staff is wonderful"

-Patti W.
